Friday, June 7, 2019

Shocking Golden Nuggets of Truth You Just Might Not Agree With

There are different steps to a relationship. We start out with dating, then courtship, engagement, and then marriage. There is a reason that they are called steps. We should take one step at a time and this can be taken in a literal sense. Too many times we start sliding between steps and this can cause huge problems for later on. Think about it. When you take a step on the stairs you lift one foot and then the other. If you were to try to slide your feet up the stairs it would not end very well. Most likely, you will catch your toe and stumble and end up getting hurt.

We talked about dating last week. Courtship is a period of time when you have narrowed out everybody else except for this one person and work towards marriage. You get to know this person better and a courtship will lead towards marriage. During courtship a couple should talk about marriage, but really should not start making plans for marriage until they are officially engaged. Too many times it is a slide from courtship into engagement. During courtship is when a couple should talk about big decisions and opinions. It is good to see how compatible you are with somebody during courtship rather than finding those kinds of things out while engaged. When a man proposes marriage to a woman, he is showing a huge commitment by going out to buy a ring and humble himself before her and say he wants to spend the rest of forever with her. Now, that shows vulnerability. If a man is willing to be that vulnerable, he must really love her!


Here are some interesting tips to help with preparing for marriage during your engagement. It is a smart idea to not let your parents pay for the wedding. We have traditions where the bride’s family pays for certain parts and the groom’s family pays for other parts. Sometimes this is unavoidable to not receive help. Weddings can be expensive. Just remember that the marriage is the most important part. It does not need to be big and fancy to be worth something. The most important part is combining those two lives into one. The reason it would be better for the couple to pay for the wedding themselves is because once the parents of the couple start getting involved then there are conditions and unsigned contracts. Sometimes a couple might think the money their parents are lending them is a gift, when parents sometimes will think of it as a loan and expect that money to be paid back. Sometimes those undiscussed contracts might be that once a certain side of the family has paid for the wedding then they will ask questions like who the couple will be spending certain holidays with and who their children will be named after. They will say something along the lines of, “remember who paid for your wedding?” I am not saying all families are like this, but many marriage and therapists have seen these effects on families- time and time again. There are some parents who really will just give their children the money and be happy with whatever decision they make.

Another observation is to make sure that when you are planning your wedding that is the groom and the bride planning it. They can ask advice from their parents about if they are missing something. (I know that I will need help because I am slowly learning about the legal process of what it takes to get married). As far as what the wedding colors will be, where the reception venue will be, where to get married, what the wedding cake will be, what the desserts will be, who will take the photos, etc.- those are decisions that must be made between the bride and groom. It is a pattern that starts at the beginning of their marriage so that they learn to make decisions together instead of involving the outside family creating a wedge between the bride and groom.

Another word of advice is not to go in debt because of your wedding. Do what is within your budget. Again, it is not the wedding and reception that is the most important part of this day. It is the bonding of two individual lives into one unit.

Now to shift gears just a little bit I just want to share some nuggets of wisdom that will help strengthen your marriage within the few years of marriage. This has more to do with when you decide to start having children. Studies have shown that marital satisfaction actually goes down when the couple starts having children. It makes sense because when the baby comes the wife’s focus will seem to have shifted towards the child, and this will be true on a certain level, but she will still need to give her husband time and attention so that they have that bond. He will start to feel neglected. So the nuggets of wisdom that I have for you are more directed towards women. When preparing for a baby are these:

1.     When you are pregnant and want to talk about what you’re feeling, go to your husband instead of your mother. I know, I know. She has already experienced it so she can relate and help you. That is true, but you need to include your husband. He loves you and wants to help you and sometimes listening is all that needs to be done.

2.     When you feel the baby kick, let him feel it and describe in as much detail as you can about what if feels like to you. This will give him a chance to bond with the baby. You are carrying the baby so you have that automatic bonding. By allowing him to feel the baby kick and move and describing to him what it is like, he will be able to start bonding with his little baby. You will feel closer as a couple.

3.     This might sound shocking, but honestly it just makes sense. DO NOT allow anybody except for your husband and the medical staff to be in the delivery room. This includes your mother and this includes his mother. The husband needs to be the one to support his wife and this will give the family time to bond and feel that closeness that they need to. To you mothers and mothers-in-law out there, I know this sounds harsh, but it has been shown time and time again that when the mother of the woman delivery the baby is in there it can cause a wedge between the woman and her husband. Just trust us on this. Ask a nurse working in the delivery room and she’ll most likely tell you that she has seen it happen over and over again.

Well, there are your golden nuggets of truth. Let me know what you think in the comments below!

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