Saturday, May 18, 2019

Let's Talk About Social Class and Culture

Families are influenced by the people we associate with. Sometimes that can depend on the social class. A social class is a division of a society based on social and economic status. People in different social classes can be completely different and they can be very much alike. Some are snobby, and others are down to earth. So, what makes up a social class?

Some aspects that make up a social class include location, occupation or vocation, income, connections, manner of speech, vocabulary used, material possessions, education (sometimes what and sometimes where), family of origin, and sometimes even race is taken into account.

There is a show called People Like Us and, in these episodes, you can see the differences in social classes. There are different factors that play into a person’s social class.

Are you happy with your social class? If you were born in poverty then there are three things that a person can do to have a higher chance of getting out of poverty:

  1. Finish high school
  2. Get married
  3. Don't have kids until you are married

As well as being part of a social class, we all have culture as well. Sometimes I feel like I have a lack of culture, but I know that I still have a culture. Culture consists of customs of a particular nation, people or social class.

While raising a family there are parts of our culture from being raised ourselves that we can keep alive, and others we may want to leave behind. Some people grow up in an abusive culture, a culture with no love whether it be by physical affection or words of affirmation, or a culture where their parents paid absolutely no attention to them. The beautiful thing about life is that as we grow up, get married, and start raising our own families we can decide which aspects of our culture we want to keep and which we want to get rid of.

When we can reflect and see how affective the manner in which we were raised then we can implement that into our own family life. I love how I was raised and hope that I will be able to raise my family is the same manner. I was raised in a culture of love, respect, honesty, integrity, and virtue. My parents raised me to know who I am and what I stand for. I grew up in a culture of family dinners and going to support each other in every activity we did. I grew up in a culture where we went to church every Sunday, we read the scriptures every night as a family, and we prayed together as a family and individually every morning and every night. I grew up in a culture where we did not talk back to our mother or father or else, we received negative consequences. Being raised in this manner helped me see people as people and not as objects, and I also learned how unimportant money is.

I loved being raised in this manner. Others are not as fortunate, but they can change it. Some people worry that they will not be good parents because they did not have good parents. I think it is important to keep in mind that people can look at their parents’ example in a positive and negative way. If you were raised by parents you admired then you will know how to follow their patterns and use their methods, if you were raised by parents you despise then you can also see how they raised you and know what patterns to avoid. There is always hope!

So, what do you think? Do you think social classes benefit society? What kind of culture did you grow up in? Please leave your comments below! J

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